February meetup

February 26, 2019 - 18:30

Notman House, 51 rue Sherbrooke Ouest, 3e étage


Background jobs at scale, by Kerstin Puschke

Talk level: intermediate

Slides: https://speakerdeck.com/titanoboa/background-jo...

Slow requests to third party payment gateways or sudden spikes in image uploads make background jobs crucial to scaling applications. However, they require us to think differently about failure scenarios: we give up consistency guarantees, and we can’t be certain if or when a job will succeed. In this talk, you’ll learn how to get the started with background jobs, master the challenges they're posing, and how they are used at Shopify to scale one of the largest running Rails applications.

About Kerstin Puschke


Kerstin is a software developer at Shopify’s HQ in Ottawa. She’s exhilarated to transform Shopify’s massive Rails code base into a more modular monolith, building on her prior experience with distributed microservices architectures. Before moving to Canada, she helped organize the Hamburg Ruby user group and her local Rails Girls chapter.

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